
Dental Anesthesia

• Cleaning your pet’s teeth without general anesthesia is considered unacceptable and below accepted standards of care.
• The pain and stress a pet faces during a non-anesthetic dental cleaning is considered cruel. Your pets can be overwhelmed by bright lights, loud equipment, and the possibility of strange people restraining them.
• Anesthetized dental procedures allow your pet to rest comfortably while the veterinary team performs a thorough exam and cleaning.
• Anesthesia also allows your veterinarian to evaluate your pet’s teeth. Dental X-rays obtained while the pet is under anesthesia, allow the veterinarian to fully examine each tooth and additional treatment can often be provided on the spot.
• So, what should you expect when your pet undergoes general anesthesia? First, your veterinarian will examine your pet and perform blood tests to ensure there are no health issues prior to the procedure.
• Your veterinarian will then create a customized plan for your pet.
• Most pets recover from anesthesia quickly—just 15–20 minutes after the procedure is completed. They may take up to 24 hours to get all the grogginess out of their systems (often because they were also given sedatives, or anti-anxiety medications as part of the balanced anesthesia administered)
• Just like humans, pets are at risk for cavities, periodontal disease, and broken teeth—all of which are sources of significant pain. Dental disease can also shower your pet’s blood stream and organs with bacteria placing them at risk of metabolic diseases (kidney disease; heart valve disease; etc.). By taking your dog or cat in for an anesthetized dental procedure in which the veterinary team can thoroughly examine, clean all their teeth safely, and treat problems, you ensure a healthy, happy future for your pet.