



  • Walking the dog can be a super stressful experience for many owners who have perhaps just adopted a dog or never got around to training them to have good leash skills.
  • Getting your dog to listen to commands and be a polite walker, you need to practice. Choose an area with few distractions.
  • Choose the right collar, leash, head halter or harness for your dog. Ensure that the collar fits correctly and that you can fit two fingers under but can’t slip it over the head. The leash should be no more than six feet long. If your dog is a puller, use a front-pull harness in conjunction with training. When walking your dog, you want your arm to be close to your body, and the leash will be loose. Walking this way is the goal of a loose-leash walk.
  • Treats are a great way to train your dog to have good walking manners. 
  • Keep your dog’s leash in one hand and your other will have the treats. Start with your dog in the sit position, and take a step and say “come” or “here.” After a few steps, stop and give a treat. Continue to do this a few more times, going further in between stops each time.
  • If your dog starts to pull or turns towards another direction, stop and get their attention back on you.  Take a few more steps, then stop and treat them.
  • Refrain from pulling harshly on the leash, as dogs can feel the slightest tug. You want them to choose to come with you.  If you let your dog start to pull, it will take longer to fix than if you teach them this method from the very beginning.
  • Commit to doing this training exercise every day.
  • Anyone who has ever owned a dog knows that the amount of time it takes them to decide where to “go” can be crazy.  Rushing them by pulling or yelling detracts from their enjoyment.  Dogs have hundreds of millions of scent receptors in their noses, so stop and let them smell their version of roses!
  • Pulling is a no-no.  It can hurt your dog’s trachea—particularly if you’ve got a small dog.
  • Once you’ve dedicated the time, you and your dog will be wonderful walking partners.