Drew D.

Drew D.


Drew's love of animals began at a very young age. When she was young, she lived on a small farm. She helped her mother care for the animals as well as help deliver a few litters of kittens into the world. She would run around the house chasing after her cats and covering them with bandages to "make them feel better." She was the stereotypical child; always bringing home lost and unwanted animals to find homes for them.

As Drew grew up, she took a great interest in sciences as well as animals. She is a recent college graduate with a BA in Biology with a minor in Chemistry and Equine Sciences from Alfred University. She is currently studying veterinary forensic sciences.
In the process of finding a program to continue her education, Drew discovered an unexpected interest in forensics and, though her goal of going to veterinary school is still the same, her goal has shifted to incorporate forensics into her future plans.

Drew is currently being trained as a vet assistant. She came to the practice as a graduate looking for a place to learn about veterinary practice and gain experience for vet school. She found so much more: the wonderful people welcomed her with open arms and she has learned so much in the short amount of time she has been there. She hopes to continue to work and learn as much as possible before applying to vet school.

Drew currently has three rescued cats, Misty, Dusty and Chloe. Her cat Misty was her first animal that she brought home 14 years ago, as a 7 week old kitten.

Interests: Reading, music, writing.